Sunday, April 13, 2008


Zimbabwean presidential elections were held two weeks back but to date no results has been released. This has caused too much concern and today as I was reading news I came across this board, where people are giving their comments in regard to the delay of results realese. So for today’s post I am going to cut some of the comments and highlight some of the aspects of critical thinking the people use as they express their views.

One thing that amazes me is the muteness ((dyphemism) the writer here want to emphasise on how silent Zimbabwe neighbours are about the release of the results) of Zimbabwes neighbours over "big brother" Mugabe and his "fight" against imperialism
(Prejudicial Qualifiers) the writer has used punctuation to effect how he thinks of Mugabe as a president.Dysphemism: The satement above can be re written to make it (Euphimism) One thing that amuzes me is the lack of comment of Zimbabwean neighbours

When we consider the use of language above (muteness and lack of comment) we clearly see that by the writer using the word mute, it makes his concept
worse because the word mute sounds rude towards the people he/she is refering to but if the word lack of comment is used it shows respect making the opinion sound better. From these we can see that while dyphemism makes an opinon, place or object sound worse whereas Euphimism makes it sound better.

Mugabe is a dictator and
everyone knows ((proof substitute) the writer does not really provide proof but instead uses a word on its on becomes some kind of prove although it is not convincing) that.
The Supreme Court does not have the right to do that (vague), do what, the righter here might have been coomenting on a previous posts but he/she forgets that someone might read his post without going through the previous hence not knowing what “that” means leaving them like huh!!!!!.
I just get the feeling that Zanu-PF will swindle their way back in again through fiddling and intimidation. Democracy?
With Mugabe in power it's pretty doubtful isn't it? The writer here uses a (leading question), this is a kind of question thats guides one to respond in a certain way. 

Zimbabwe is doomed. Mugabe has trashed the economy and there is massive
inflation at 100,000% with 80% unemployment (illustative sentence)

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